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Jane Ayrton - Head of L&D (how to build amazing teams, boost your confidence, and using Insights Discovery Profiling)

December 05, 2023 Martin Drake Season 4 Episode 11

The guest this episode is Jane Ayrton who has been working in the L&D space for over 30 years.

Her career has incorporated being in both self-employed and employed roles. In her most recent role, Jane was Head of L&D in a financial services business and worked with what she describes as 'the best team she had ever had the pleasure of leading'. 

Within that same organisation, they introduced Insights Discovery Profiling and Jane shares the principles of what that is but then explains the amazing results they achieved by using it. The key, as with any learning initiatives, was their focus on embedding what was learned, how the information was being used day-to-day, and then measuring the results. The business were able to see marked improvements in all aspects following the roll-out of this across the organisation from how people communicated with each other to projects delivered quicker and more efficiently.

Jane takes great pleasure from watching others grow and succeed and we talk through some principles of how to get the best from your teams.

We also discuss the topic of confidence as this is something that Jane coached when self-employed having struggled with confidence herself in her early career. She shares some really useful tips to help boost your confidence when you really need it.

I've known Jane a number of years so always knew trhis was going to be a great conversation. However, I also learned a lot through the various topics we explored too. 

I hope you enjoy it!


career outplacement, career consulting, 

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