Is This Room Free?

Jade Breakell - from Administrator to HR Advisor, being a working Mum, and the sacrifices made along the way

Martin Drake Season 1 Episode 16

The guest on this episode is Jade Breakell (Greenwood).

I've known Jade for a couple of years and she kindly offered to come on and share her story as her career hasn't been the easiest of paths to date. As Jade discusses in the show, some people seem to leap from role to role and their careers progress somewhat effortlessly. Others, in Jade's words, take a more scenic route.

Jade entered the job market without a clue as to what she wanted to do, or what was even out there for her to do. She started out as an Administrator before becoming interested in HR but had to work hard to make that transition.  

She has made huge sacrifices to get to where she has and she was kind enough to talk openly and candidly about how tough it has been to build a career, whilst being a mum of two and having to study her CIPD on top of it all to reach her goals.

It was an absolute pleasure talking with Jade so I hope you enjoy listening.

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